Prelude: A Dawning Light

Sars Al’Kodrid looks around, Where am I? As his senses come back to him he notices the sound of a creek burbling in the background. Trees slowly come into focus around him, and he can see korths looping around trees as they flew overhead. Ah, that’s right, Delnari. He gets up and stretches, noticing blue runes on his arms glowing faintly and catalogues that for inspection later, right now he needs to figure out where exactly he is and why he can’t remember anything. As he turns around he suddenly flinches and brings his arm up to block the sunlight, which in turn makes him notices some red runes, glowing a little brighter than the blue ones on his other arm. Alright, what the heck. What am I, a marked pig? He shakes his head, at least he knows which way to go now, westward towards the rising sun, towards the bustling city of Talmindu.
6 hours later, Sars is among the bustling crowds making their way into and out of the city. Ah the city life, I remember this, especially the bustling crowds of Kiaminsh Square. An image comes into his mind of a bustling market square, filled with hundreds of people jostling this way and that, vendors shouting offers, the smells of a hundred different foods or more with a slight overtone of the filth that lined the streets. Why is that so familiar to me? Is it home? Another image comes into his head, then, a tower, as tall as the clouds, and sometimes taller. That. That’s where I need to go, that’s where I can find answers. I think. Abruptly, someone runs into him, sending their load of apples and zaqrots tumbling to the ground, along with his thoughts.
“Hey, watch where you’re going, oaf!.” The man growls at him, glowering as he bends down to pick his burden back up.
“Sorry, I was lost in thought,” Sars replies, hastily bending down to help him pick up the items. “Do you know how I could get to Kiaminsh Square from here, by any chance?”
The man finishes picking up his burden and eyes Sars warily, “Who are you, lad? Every man, woman, and child knows how to get there.”
“I, uh….” Sars trails off, not entirely sure who he is.
The man harrumphs, “Well at least you’re in the right spot. Just go down to the docks and catch a ship to Telqar. You can’t miss it once you’re there.” He looks Sars over again, then turns and walks off.
Telqar, yes. That’s the capital of the Ludinth Region, where the tower is. “Thank you!” He hollers at the retreating man. I wonder who that was… I wonder who I am.


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